Thursday, 16 September 2010

Android Gains market share over competitors.

Apple has a trend of releasing a new version of the iPhone every summer and at this point there market share is expected to shoot up.  Despite claims the phone is selling “really well” they have in fact not been selling well enough. They have been beat by the Google phone market, Android.

With the comScore in the smartphone sector the android gained 5% market share for the Google phone market while all the other platforms declined. Apple lost 1.3%, RIM 1.8% and Microsoft 2.2%. Microsoft are currently in a pre Windows phone 7 limbo, which is obviously effecting there sales at the moment. I suspect windows mobile professionals and windows mobile users in general will be leaping at the business mobile with a full host of windows mobile applications for them to get their hands on.

RIM has been steadily losing their market share after dominating the business mobiles sector for so long. They are still in command but as other work phones gain popularity there share is in decline. With this in mind it's no surprise that android have filled the gap with a solid platform.

It's important to look at this in perspective though. The smartphone market is continually growing and for the period in question it grew 11%. This means that both Apple and Android were on the rise but with Android growing faster.

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